Humble Update

Long story short: F*ck!!! but also, YAY!!! Namastê! These months are crazy, this website kinda started something in me, even tho I didnt keep the original plan of creating at least one post a day. I left the computer and cellphone aside for a while, to read my books about spirituality, science, history and etc. I also started a regular rotine of exercises (still getting the hang of it again).
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Hello world!

This is my first blog post! FINALLY!!! It was supposed to take one or two days to make, but it took longer… Took me a little bit to find about “Hugo”. This tool is amazing, btw. And I got super stuck with DNS configuration, since it was the first time I did it myself. After a lot of troubleshooting the custom DNS, I got the local Hugo prototype to work with “Netlify” using a githug repository, and ta-dah!
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